Stone Veneer 

Check out some of our Stone Veneer jobs that we have done.

Stone veneer face to an insert.

Out side fireplace wrapped in Stone.

Stone Veneer for the face of your home.

Stone veneer. 

Installing Stone

Stone Veneer Job.

A Stone Veneer installed on a new home in Annapolis.

Installed a real stone face to this corner factor built fireplace.

Installed a Hearth

This job is unique job the client always has wanted a wine cellar. 

We were glad to provide our service. 

The Jail bars are from the early 1800s court house.

This jail door was restored from a old court house local to Maryland on the Eastern Shore.

Installed real Stone onto The old fire place to give it a face-lift.

After the client install new wood stove and hung the T.V 

After cabinets were installed.

The client has keep us up to date with progress!

We will have more pictures of

this project as we receive them.